Images of ARGO

This page shows the official images of ARGO

Click on the icons to see larger images, but
BEWARE: they are large JPGs (about 200kbytes)

ARGO in front of the Dept. of Information Technology

ARGO in front of the Dept. of Information Technology
the writings in the background says 'Ingegneria', meaning 'Engineering'...

ARGO in front of the Faculty of Engineering

ARGO from its best side...

ARGO resting in our car park

ARGO's interior:
you can see the left camera, the control panel,
the steering motor, the on-board monitor,
and the two red buttons that are used in case ARGO isn't acting properly...

Again ARGO's interior; now you can see both cameras

Hey: ARGO cannot read "don't step on the grass"!

ARGO during the MilleMiglia in Automatico Tour

ARGO during a hands-free driving session (Photo Melegari)
The complete team: Alessandra Fascioli, Alberto Broggi, Massimo Bertozzi, Gianni Conte (Photo Copyright C.Pipenburg - Koln, Germany)
Again, in automatic... (Photo Copyright C.Pipenburg - Koln, Germany)